Midnight-1am, I fell asleep.
6am Vlados cell goes off.
6:30 I wander out into kitchen. He tells me to go back to bed.
6:45 Vlado kisses me goodbye.
11:45am woke up. bathroom. Put pajama pants on. Make coffee.
noon: Start texting Vlado during his lunch break, drink coffee, check e-mails/blogs. Get dressed.
12:30 realize Vlado has mine and his bankcard. Commit to staying home all day. Change out of jeans, put on lululemons. Write a blog about food (below!) Go put laundry in.
12:45 make bed. I do this weird thing where I go into each room and organize it into piles. Such as in my bedroom, I grabbed nailpolish, make up, and a comb and put it into a pile. Then I grabbed my notebook and three pens and put them into a pile. Then a dirty cup and a recipe book in a pile. Then I go to the livingroom and make my piles, and then my office and kitchen, & bathroom. Then I go to each room and grab each pile for the bathroom and go organize it. This is how I clean..
1:00 Realize I mis-counted my amount of quarters for the dryer. Go get clothes, hang in bathroom. Go to livingroom and take everything off the shelves & tables. Start dishwasher. Back on computer.
1:15 Sweep kitchen & entrance. Back on computer.
1:30 realize Vlado took out stewing beef. Take pitabread out of the freezer for tzakiki sauce tonight. Write a letter of intent for a fulltime position within my agency.
2:00 dust everything in livingroom.
2:34 finish grocery list. Back on computer to write this blog. Go finish sweeping. Go to the bathroom, forget why I am in there, go back to kitchen and see the garbage can and remember I was changing garbages. Do so. Dust and clean mirrors in bedroom. Start on kitchen.
3:02 finish wiping everything down, start self cleaner on the oven. Last time I did this, my house smoked out. Nervous. Google how to make Pita Chips. Finish kitchen and entrance floors. Realize we have 14 eggs that expire in two days. Fuck. Decide on making two servings of Italian Breakfast Casserole and make the rest into hardboiled. Whatever. Add that shit onto my grocery list. Eat doritoes and realize its the first thing I've eaten all day besides coffee. Feel slobby. Realize thats stupid because 1. No one can even see me munch out and 2. I just cleaned my entire friggin house so how the hell am I a slob? Realize cleaning your house and eating a bag of doritoes as breakfast has no correlation. Fuck it. Clean bathroom floor now.
3:17 wipe off laptop, clean kitchen table, and put chips away.
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