I’m Audge. I’m twenty-five and live in a freezing Canadian city. No, seriously. We’re talking -30 on a daily basis.
I kick it with my boyfriend Vlado.
He’s an immigant and says adorable things like, “Movies and popcorns tonight!” – love it and his little popcorns. Some people consider us mental but we moved in within 5 months of knowing each other, August 2011. Judge all you want, we don’t mind.
I’m a Child and Youth Care worker and I love my job. I work nightshifts right now … I drive an SUV that loves to drink gas. I love to drink juice and large amounts of wine and beer.
Not much else to tell you, covered the important stuff.
Oh, I’m ridiculously emotional…and sarcastic. and very small. (5’2, 100lbs) so a sarcastic emotional gremlin.

I can’t stop talking either. Which is probably why I have a blog.. so I can continue pretending people care when in reality, they might not. Enjoy!